Wednesday, November 10, 2010

29 Weeks AKA: The Sounds.... of Nausea.

You know what is awesome? When you go see your Dr. and tell them that if you take your Zofran at night you DO NOT throw up. That you haven't thrown up in a week for the first time in 29 weeks. Then he says... "Some women just throw up. So maybe you can go off the Zofran and throw up, go about your day and keep eating. Try some ginger and eating small meals every 2 hours." This is the point where I started crying out of madness and told him not to tell me to eat small meals or try ginger because after a daily vomit session for 7 months, I had tried all the tricks. This is one of the reasons I have a female mid-wife and he isn't delivering the baby. Of course I spoke too soon because today I'm all sorts of woozy. So here is a little diddy about that....

I have this little habit of making up lyrics to tunes that I know, this absolutely comes from my dad. Months ago during a "sickness" episode in the shower I made up this "Ode to Nasuea" to the tune of Simon and Garfunkel's "Sounds of Silence. Now I just sing it whenever I am sick, which is a lot... but this week not as much as last. I sang some of it to Dave and he thought it was funny so I wrote it all down and here it is. Just hum along and picture yourself with a big Garfunkel 'fro.

Hello nausea, my old friend
I've come to talk of you again
Because you greet me in the mornings
And you only give a short warning
They all say I should feel better now
and have said ciao
To the sounds.... of nausea

Through restless nights I've tossed and turned
only one thing works that I've learned
It's the magic Zofran pill
It's way expensive Blue Cross isn't thrilled
My eyes were stabbed when I saw the full price tag
$2,100 for a bag
Else it's the sounds.... of nasuea

The midwife said I needed more weight
She had me indulge in lots of milkshakes
People still say that I'm too small
It's not true it's just that I'm tall
I eat constantly all day and night I swear
But they are unaware
of the sounds.... of nausea


  1. Ooooh, Jen...this is equal parts so funny and SO sad!

    I would have punched that damn doctor. What an ass.

  2. Will you be performing this during some baby shower karaoke? I think dad would appreciate that immensely; as would I.

  3. yeah i wanted to squirt my Motts apple juice box at him. apple juice is such a craving now i carry juice boxes. insane.

  4. unless this pregnant woman can start doing tequila shots, there will be no performance during the shower. however i will license the tune out for a small fee.

  5. Awww hunny - I SO wish I could make this better. Sorry :( :( :(

    At least you will be rewarded with an adorable soul that will love you forever after all this is through!

  6. bitter sweet...lets hope this baby is super cute :)

  7. I believe the next song will be sounds of crying.

    Baby I again I hear you cry
    I want to plug my ears and die
    Into my dreams the crying creeps
    All he does is weep and weep
    They say he should sleep through the night
    When will someone ever be right
    I just long for the sounds of silence.
