Wednesday, November 10, 2010

29 Weeks AKA: The Sounds.... of Nausea.

You know what is awesome? When you go see your Dr. and tell them that if you take your Zofran at night you DO NOT throw up. That you haven't thrown up in a week for the first time in 29 weeks. Then he says... "Some women just throw up. So maybe you can go off the Zofran and throw up, go about your day and keep eating. Try some ginger and eating small meals every 2 hours." This is the point where I started crying out of madness and told him not to tell me to eat small meals or try ginger because after a daily vomit session for 7 months, I had tried all the tricks. This is one of the reasons I have a female mid-wife and he isn't delivering the baby. Of course I spoke too soon because today I'm all sorts of woozy. So here is a little diddy about that....

I have this little habit of making up lyrics to tunes that I know, this absolutely comes from my dad. Months ago during a "sickness" episode in the shower I made up this "Ode to Nasuea" to the tune of Simon and Garfunkel's "Sounds of Silence. Now I just sing it whenever I am sick, which is a lot... but this week not as much as last. I sang some of it to Dave and he thought it was funny so I wrote it all down and here it is. Just hum along and picture yourself with a big Garfunkel 'fro.

Hello nausea, my old friend
I've come to talk of you again
Because you greet me in the mornings
And you only give a short warning
They all say I should feel better now
and have said ciao
To the sounds.... of nausea

Through restless nights I've tossed and turned
only one thing works that I've learned
It's the magic Zofran pill
It's way expensive Blue Cross isn't thrilled
My eyes were stabbed when I saw the full price tag
$2,100 for a bag
Else it's the sounds.... of nasuea

The midwife said I needed more weight
She had me indulge in lots of milkshakes
People still say that I'm too small
It's not true it's just that I'm tall
I eat constantly all day and night I swear
But they are unaware
of the sounds.... of nausea

Friday, November 5, 2010

28 weeks, hola 3rd trimester

So... it's been 5 or so weeks. What have we been doing? Hmmmmm... good question. Well, we finished moving the house around. I finished doing this moroccan inspired mural in our bedroom (w/ my great aunt bea's dresser that dave refinished - photos later). We had that cold that everyone and their mom had. I gained some more weight for a total of 15 pounds, HOLLAH, making my mid-wife very happy! Mmmm I think the rest of the time I was working and throwing up.

We went to the beautiful wedding of Dave's Aunt Mary to Mr. Reid. All the girls were so beautiful, and of course so too was Mary. The wedding was really fun and we got to be in Stowe, VT during prime time foliage season. Plus Sarah and Jess came and hung out and they too got to experience the pregnant woman's hunger. I think they liked having a bag of beef jerky, apples, goldfish and granola bars at the ready at all times. Also a big shout out to cousin Maggie who hooked me up with late-night dinner leftovers at the reception when I was starving. She's the best.

The Sickness
So, yeah. Most people know that I've basically thrown up most days since I was 3 weeks pregnant. It's a super fun way to start the day and a family affair because poor Dave is usually in the shower when this happens. At least we're in it together.
Now it seems to be just 3-4 days a week - so not everyday. So the way I figure it... if I have 90 days left, 40% of that is just 36 days that I will probably be sick. That doable.
What do my Drs say about this? Those poor people are baffled. I've done the food diary, tried ginger, (if one more person recommends this to me...), the smell of lemons, being careful of being around "offensive odors", (like dave - just kidding), eating every 2 hours, setting an alarm and getting up in the middle of the night to eat such things as a pb + j, (just ask jess as sarah), ginger ale... The only thing that helps is the Magical pill Zofran, which I know Blue Cross is thrilled about because it costs $25 a pill. I was taking 3 a day, but now I'm on a super low dose once a day. Better to throw up than have a child with like missing limbs or something.
Poor Ione the midwife, at my last appointment she said "you know, it should and could get better". I said "Yeah, I know it will get better. January 25 that's when."
I'm trying to not let it depress me, but it's kind of hard. When I told my mom I was starting to feel down and didn't know why she said "You've been throwing up for 7 months, that's why." Smart lady.

The Clothes
So yay, I've gained a bunch of weight! My wardrobe now consists of like 5 outfits, which makes getting ready pretty quick. I've shunned maternity clothing except those awesome maternity jeans and leggings which I LOVE. The next time I'm going to be able to wear elastic waist pants is when I'm 80 so I'm totally digging their comfort now. Most days now I get showered by the loveliest sayings from Dave, mostly this on repeat: "You. Are. So. Big." He told me my body looked like his fathers. This coming from a man who used to refer to my legs as "thick sticks" so these things don't phase me that much. The one worrying thing is the size of my behind. Junk in the trunk was never a problem for me... and now... it's in a direct shoot out with my stomach for girth. This terrifies me and leaves Dave rolling in laughter.
I'd like to introduce you to "Marlon" (above), as in Marlon Brando, my new winter cape/poncho/coat/tent. I feel like I should be asking you to help my family in a muffled voice when I wear this. But it was $8 at goodwill (of course Chad and I had a laugh watching Dave sweat for 5 mins when I told him it was $300 and a "good investment") and I'd rather spend some dough on a killer jacket for "thinner jen" once this whole thing is done.

Mary Chung remnants

The Cravings
God help you if you are one of the following: French Fries, Plain Potato Chips, a Banana, an Apple, (new this week!) a gallon of Apple Juice, Suan La Chow Sho at Mary Chungs, and sometimes Mexican food. Aren't those like the most boring cravings in the entire world? I haven't ONCE sent Dave out at an inapropriate hour to get me something like KFC and a milkshake. Come December I'm going to start doing that just on principal.

"You look like a stuffed little piglet. I say this with love." - David, the husband

The Bambino
Still nameless, going by little sasso, baby sasso ect... He is an active one, holy moly! I wake up at night and Dave has his hands on my stomach, (unnerving), and babe Sasso is dancing in my belly, (again, unnerving). He basically parties all night long, taking after his father. Sometimes it keeps me up, I just watch my belly shake which is funny. Then he likes to sleep all day, (taking after his mother). He also LOVES food because the moment I take 1 bite he wakes up and starts dancing. We can feel his bum over by my belly button, but have yet to see those feet and hands I keep hearing about. Alien in my tummy.

Next weekend is our baby shower and we are so excited to see family and friends. So many dear old friends from college are coming, I'm really looking forward to it. I am also looking forward to the dozens of deviled eggs I requested. Good thing Chad is running the show 'cause if it was me we'd all just be eating deviled eggs and apple juice.

Friday, October 1, 2010

23 Weeks

Today I had to take some headshots for some websites, it was totally awkward and I was doing it ALONE. So here is a few pics of el bumpo de Sasso at 23 weeks. He is a dancing fool, this wee one. The other night I had my laptop on my knees and was working and listening to music and he just danced around for a couple hours. We were listening to all sorts of things... Johnny Cash, Stevie Nicks, Neil Young, Loretta Lynn. Don't tell his father.

All the painting is done in our house thanks to some serious work by Lisa and Bill. They came with spotlights and drop cloths and left with the kitchen "straw basket" and the baby room a pretty blue. The rooms are all moved around and now we are relaxing... just in time for our landlord to tell us he is selling the house. HA! If we move I'm just transporting the colors cause I can't imagine picking them all again.

Quite Mischief before his world is rocked by a screaming baby.
I went to the midwife this week and I had only gained 3 more pounds for a total of 8 which is INSANE people. I am eating 2, that's TWO dinners and TWO lunches. This week I ate french fries EVERYDAY! I eat lots of apples, but I eat chips too!! I've been getting sick again, but I'm still eating a lot regardless. She took all my measurements and said they were perfect and not to worry too much. But I have to gain more. So the prescription is this: peanut butter, cheese and to everyday have a milkshake. I've had worse things said to me. All this boggles Dave and my minds. I think baby sasso is burning all the calories with his dance aerobics.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The First 22 Weeks

Here's the journey of Baby Sasso, a tiny nothing to a kicking papaya.

May 14, 2010 : NYC
We had so much fun at night of A Thousand Stevies, maybe too much fun. I was quite sick the rest of the trip. I thought I was really hungover, because who gets pregnant on the first try when they are over 30 and have had surgery twice for ovarian cysts. I do, that's who. First bought of morning sickness the day after Night of A Thousand Stevies in NYC, about 2-3 weeks along. (To henceforth be called Night of A Thousand and One Stevies)

Chris, Tony, Matt, Mike, Chad and Jen aka Stevie.

May 22, 2010 : Connecticut
We went to our dear friends Julia and Pearly's wedding. We had found out the day before that I was indeed with Baby Sasso. After about 41 positive tests we knew it was real, but weren't really ready to tell anyone. However, Darcy guessed it because I didn't ask for a taste of her bad dirty martini at the rehearsal dinner. The big giveaway to everyone else the next day... I was only having seltzer. I miss cocktails. I had already told my mom the day before on her birthday, so we immediately drove to VT to tell the Battilanas before it got posted to Facebook.

Palest. Couple. Ever.

May 29, 2010: The Picard Weekend
The next weekend went way up in Maine to Becky and Nate's beautiful new farmhouse in Maine to celebrate Emily's Bday. By now the "morning" sickness was in full swing, so I spent most of my time trying to get Tugs the dog to let me pet him and went to bed early. But Dave stayed up for some epic flip-cup.

Becky Picard, Dave, Matthew and Ann.

June 2010: 6 weeks
What did we do in June? Beats me. I spent most of it downing and then upping saltines. But Dave turned 34 and I do remember an amazing lobster roll at Neptune Oyster with Matt + Chad. And that's about it.

July 4th : Vermont : 10 weeks
We FINALLY got up to the Bogarts place in Worcester, VT and it was just as beautiful as I'd imagined. We got to hang with BFFs Marisa and Peter, the Green and Bogart families and see a killer fourth small town parade. We had Thanksgiving dinner outside to celebrate Peter's dad's healthy recovery, Thanksgiving happens to be my favorite meal.

Marisa is just so tiny.

Roadside watching the parade.

End of July 2010: Roadtrip : 13 weeks
We went to Montreal, Vermont and the White Mountains. We ate, went to the Botanical Gardens, drove through the Mts and found an awesome New Hampshire county fair, demo derby and all. Dave took lots of pics of the bump cause we realized we really hadn't done much in regards to that. By now I had discovered the miracle drug that has helped me keep food down and the weight gain race was on!

Montreal Street.

The Botanical Garden in Montreal.

The super windy White Mts.

Maybe the best photo of Dave ever.
July 30: Forest Hills Cemetery : 14 weeks
We decided to go look for name inspiration in one of my favorite places in Boston. And do a little shadow play.

Shadow Boxing

I have like 10 iterations of the same maternity outfit, I really do change my clothes despite what these photos may lead you to believe.

August 14: Woodstock for Bill's Bday : 16 weeks
This was a great weekend of family, friends, outdoor movies, photobooths, lobster and more good eating. Plus Tugs was there and I love that dog.

That was a good Mexican Dinner

Outdoor movie set up
A smiling Tugs with Emily

Adam in the photobooth with Lisa.

Bill on the move
August 27 : Chicago : 18 Weeks
We had just found out that Baby Sasso was in fact a boy. We went to Chicago with Boggy and Darcy for our dear friends J.J. and Lauren's engagement party. We had a great time, got to see Adi and Anthony and the Boghdan's got to experience the hunger of a pregnant woman first hand. Frightening. We ate at the Original Pancake House and went on a Cocktail Boat Architecture Tour, were I got 2 free dove bars instead of cocktails.

Boggalina and Sasso at the Original Pancake House

Me eyeing Anthony's pancake.
Best Breakfast. Ever.  (Not all mine, though it could have been)
J.J. gives us his own tour.

September 11 : Housework + Alzheimer's Walk : 20 weeks
So now we have been painting the bathroom, pantry, kitchen and baby room. Getting rid of lots of stuff. Switching rooms around. It's chaotic but looking nice. We went and did the Alzheimer's Walk in Keene with Wendy and Aunt Cathy on dad's birthday and saw Grandma. She regaled us with stories of when she was young and helped us think of boy names.

Dave and Chris with Grandma

My belly is catching up to my butt. Hopefully the belly wins.

So now we are at 22 weeks and we are getting pretty excited. We are discovering that baby items are actually gigantic and not small. That we have a little boxer in my belly, and if you are patient you can fell him practicing his moves. We are figuring out our he is going to fit into the studio and imagining all the cute things he will do with Oscar the dog. The morning sickness has resumed, which isn't fun, but maybe it will go away again. I've been able to resume working almost a full day. Things have been good. Hopefully we will start taking a photo a week for the last 18 weeks so you can see the bump get bigger and bigger!